Builder Questionnaire: Nebula Straps


Please introduce yourself.

Nebula Straps made by Evan Stanish in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

What do you make?

Guitar straps

Why do you make what you do?

There were a lot of things I didn't like about what was on the market and I knew I could do much better. I have always liked working with my bands and take a lot of pride in what I do.

What was the first piece of guitar gear that excited or inspired you?

Gibson SG

What’s your current favourite piece of guitar gear?

Currently I'm in love with my Epiphone Thunderbird and Way Huge Conquistador fuzz.

What have you been listening to lately?

Wormsand, The Sword, A Perfect Circle

Ideally, where do you see yourself/company/brand in 5 years?

Hopefully with a lot more dealers, doing less direct sales. It's been such a cool journey far, talking to some of my favorite bands and musicians and meeting tons of awesome people in the community, I would love to keep it going.



Learn more about Nebula Straps


Builder Questionnaire: Canadian Craftsmen


Builder Questionnaire: Anomalous