Builder Questionnaire: Anomalous


Please introduce yourself.

Michael and Julie from Anomalous.

What do you make?

Boutique, hand painted effects pedals.

Why do you make what you do?

We saw the opportunity to do something unique and interesting in the pedal world, and we seized it!

What was the first piece of guitar gear that excited or inspired you?

The Lone Wolf Audio Plague Rat. I bought one second hand, and one of the previous owners had sanded the original finish off and painted their own. It sounded rad, but we weren't too keen on the looks, so Julie repainted it again, and it now looks as killer as it sounds. After that, we decided to make a pedal of our own.

What’s your current favourite piece of guitar gear?

Apart from our pedals, probably my mid 2000s Peavey 6505. I recently got a Squier Classic Vibe Jazzmaster that I've been modifying which I'll finish when I get around to it.

What have you been listening to lately?

I need to catch up on about a years worth of music! I've been too busy to do much digging, sadly.

If you play and release music, either on your own or as part of a band, please share that as well.

I'm also a record producer, so there are far too many artists to name. Parasol Ghost, Citysleep, Wyatt C. Louis to name a few.

Ideally, where do you see yourself/company/brand in 5 years?

Still making pedals, having built a reputable name for ourselves! Continuing to support local artists and bands we can. Making some of the scariest sounding and most beautiful looking pedals out there.

Anything else you’d like to add?

It is awesome to see a repository of Canadian music gear. Our goal as a company is to support Canadian businesses as much as we can (Calgarian businesses in particular), so will actually be quite useful to us!



Learn more about Anomalous


Builder Questionnaire: Nebula Straps


Builder Questionnaire: Screwed Circuitz Inc