New Canadian Guitar Gear Releases: Summer Edition


The sun was brighter so the list is a bit lighter, but somewhere between the BBQ’s, beaches, hikes and road trips these companies still released an awesome selection of Canadian guitar gear.


With all the different algorithms and the constant stream of new content it’s easy to miss an announcement. These blogs come out each season so you’re never out of the loop for that long.  This isn’t the easiest task. I’m just as susceptible to bad algorithms, being too busy to check social media, etc., but I’m trying! If you’re a builder and I’ve missed a product release by you I’m truly sorry. To make sure I don’t miss one again, just shoot me a message or tag Amps & Ehfects in your release posts.

Alright, let’s get into it.










Parts & DIY



Utility & Accessories



Reminder, if you’re releasing a new product in summer 2023 please send me a message or tag Amps & Ehfects in your social media post so I don’t miss it. Thank you!


Builder Questionnaire: Dickert Guitars


New Canadian Guitar Gear Releases: Spring Edition